Pandemic, Persecution and Pushback

[1h 11min]

In May 1992, Falun Gong, an ancient mind-body meditation practice from the Buddhist tradition, was introduced to the public in China for the first time. Its popularity quickly skyrocketed. Exactly thirty years later, tens of millions of people in China and around the world practice the discipline, all the while creatively and peacefully resisting a violent campaign launched by the Chinese Communist Party in 1999 to wipe out the group.

China’s Underground Media

[9 min]

What’s the most effective way to change the world? Is it through tyranny? Is it through the media? Or is it when you simply touch the hearts of people through compassion and self-sacrifice…? Through civil disobedience, and peaceful activism? But can this method be effective even today?

The Beijing Olympics: A Deadly History

[4 min]

Is terrible history repeating itself in 2022? Leading up to this year’s Olympic games The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has begun yet another round of campaigns of what the Party calls “maintaining social stability.” Current circumstances in China mirror trends seen in the 2008 Olympics. Following the 2008 Olympics, over […]

Save Lucy Liu’s Mother

[2 mins]

When she was just four years old, Lucy was abducted from her daycare and held as ransom by Chinese police. They wanted to find her mother, Mrs. Liu Yan, and persecute her until Liu renounces her faith in Falun Gong.

Letter Campaign: Save Them For Grace

[1 min]

All Grace (Fayuan) Chen hopes for this holiday season is her parents’ safety. Her mother and father were arrested and detained by Hunan Province authorities in October 2020, on the grounds of attending a reading session of Falun Gong texts akin to Bible study. Grace hasn’t heard from them since. […]

Film Festival Audience Feedback – Defiance in the Kingdom of Fake News

[7 min]

DEFIANCE IN THE KINGDOM OF FAKE NEWS, 10min., USADirected by Mathias Magnason In the northeastern city of Changchun, China, a group of six ordinary people — a truck driver, a food vendor, a housewife, etc. — gathered in secret to plan an extraordinary task: to break into the television broadcasting […]

Behind the Scenes: Friends of Falun Gong’s Human Rights Trophy

[6 min]

Sergio Baez is a jeweler in New York City who helps jewelry entrepreneurs launch their businesses. When a customer asked him to sponsor a human rights award for a spiritual practice persecuted in China, he found it an interesting technical challenge—and one of the most worthwhile contributions he’s made in […]

The Falun Gong Human Rights Crisis in China: Updates, Global Impacts, and Next Actions

[1 h]

Moderated by Freedom House’s Sarah Cook (Research Director of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) and featuring experts and a torture survivor, this insightful panel discussion explores the current state of this human rights crisis, its global implications, and what further action can be taken by the U.S. government and others to curb ongoing horrific abuses and support victims.

Why U.S. Media Peddles CCP Hate?

There have been a series of news and magazine articles published in the U.S. recently that grossly distort the teachings and beliefs of Falun Gong. In fact, these articles mimic with shocking similarity the hate-filled propaganda prominent in communist China, which fuels terrible persecution of people who practice Falun Gong there.

The CCP Business in Body Parts

[10 min]

For more than a decade, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been systematically killing innocent people on a large scale, and extracting their vital organs to fuel a multi-billion dollar organ transplant industry. A vast majority of the victims are Falun Gong practitioners.

100 Miles Away, A World Apart

What is one place on Earth that is more authentically Chinese than China? Many would argue it’s Taiwan. Since 1949, China has been ruled by the Chinese Communist Party whereas Taiwan is now a democracy. That one difference has caused these two places, situated a mere 100 miles from each other, to seem like two different worlds. There is no greater example of this difference than with the treatment of Falun Gong.

International Human Rights Day Panel Discussion: Falun Gong and Canada-China Policy

On the eve of International Human Rights Day, a panel of lawmakers and human rights lawyers and advocates went online to examine the Chinese Communist Party’s systematic countrywide rights violations against the Falun Gong spiritual practice and its consequences for Canada-China policy. The ruthless and relentless atrocities carried out in […]

CCP Lies: An “Evil Cult”?

[10 min]

Falun Gong was not “banned by the Chinese government as an evil cult” on July 22, 1999, as many newspapers rather carelessly write. It was not so much as called that term until October of that year.

Xu Na — Whereabouts Unknown

On July 19, 2020, award-winning artist and prominent prisoner of conscience Ms. Xu Na was arrested for the third time in China for practicing Falun Gong. Her whereabouts and condition are currently unknown.

Persecution Amid Outbreak in China (Dec. 2019 – Mar. 2020)

© Falun Dafa Information Center | 2020 | 6min | News Despite the ongoing outbreak in China that many are now labeling the CCP Virus, the Chinese communist regime continues to persecute people who practice Falun Gong. This video provides an overview of people arrested, imprisoned, and killed in China […]

Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day

[2 min]

Falun Gong was first made public in China on May 13, 1992. Therefore, each year, May 13th is celebrated as World Falun Dafa Day, to commemorate this special day, the teachings of Falun Gong (Truthfulness, Compass, Forbearance), as well as the health and inner peace the practice has brought to the lives of its practitioners.

Lies that Kill — The Propaganda Machinery of the Chinese Communist Party

[9 min]

How does the Chinese Communist Party utilize state-run media and its control over society to bend the minds of its people to its will? Censorship. Propaganda. Unfortunately, these tactics work to tragic effect. In this video, we’ll take a close look at exactly how the Chinese Communist Party terrified the Chinese people into submission.

45 More Falun Gong Practitioner Deaths in China

Tens of millions of people who practice Falun Gong in China today remain at risk of wrongful detainment, torture, and death in custody. During the first half of 2019 alone 45 practitioners lost their lives after being persecuted for not renouncing their faith in Falun Gong. Those were just the cases we know about. Here are a few of their stories…

European Parliament Resolution

[8 min]

This video documents the European Parliament’s Resolution condemning the Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China.