Lawyer Responds: The New York Times ‘Failed the Basic Test of Honesty’

[5 mins]

As a lawyer and long-time reader of the New York Times, John found the recent attacks on Shen Yun “inexcusable.” He calls for a fair and truthful re-assessment of Shen Yun and Falun Gong practitioners, starting with four major examples of the Times’ failures in their coverage. Read more on […]

The Long Arm of Beijing: The CCP’s Global Campaign to Silence Falun Gong 

[20 mins]

Secret Chinese police stations, paid influencers on social media, targeted cyberattacks, diaspora surveillance, and physical violence. For more than 20 years, the long arm of Beijing has targeted Falun Gong in the United States and around the world in an illicit and increasingly sophisticated campaign to malign and silence. This […]

Levi Browde on ‘China in Focus’: Artistic Censorship Aimed at Americans

[35 mins]

Discover what’s really behind over 130 documented incidents of CCP interference against Shen Yun Performing Arts, and learn why a peaceful meditation practice that’s persecuted in China is at the heart of it all. Levi Browde, executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center, joins China in Focus for an […]

Beijing’s Influence on American University Campuses: The Falun Gong Case Study and Beyond

[1h 23]

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) engages in the world’s most comprehensive campaign of transnational repression, targeting exile communities, members of the diaspora, and supporters in dozens of countries around the world with digital surveillance, attempted censorship, and even physical attacks. This campaign has also reached university campuses in the United […]