International Religious Freedom Summit 2022: The Persecution of Falun Gong in China

[60 min ]

Livestream of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2022 panel “Pandemic, Persecution, and Pushback—Trends and Analysis from the Suppression of Falun Gong” from IRF Summit held on June 30, 2022. The Falun Dafa Information Center introduced its new special report, covering the CCP’s past two years of oppression in China and […]

Han Yu Story

[2 min]

The last time she saw her father, Han Yu was only 19 years old. The Chinese police had detained her father for his faith multiple times following the 1999 CCP directive to eradicate Falun Gong, but this would be the last. He died within a few months in detention, but […]

Young Girl’s Father Dies in Custody | Han Yu

In this video Han Yu recounts when her father died in police custody, the anguish of her family upon recovering her father’s body, and her suspicions that her father was the victim of forced organ harvesting.