Cindy Xu – Father Marred by Scars

[4:30 min]

Cindy (Xinyang) Xu only met her father on a few occasions, and her memory of him is faint. Since before she was born, Cindy’s parents were repeatedly arrested for practicing Falun Gong. While detained her father was tortured with electric batons. She recalls being afraid to go up to him […]

Cindy Xu – My Teachers Disappeared on My Birthday

[4 min]

Cindy’s father was a Falun Dafa practitioner and died from persecution by the CCP. She was only a young girl at the time and grew up alone with her mother. At school, Cindy saw the pressure of the persecution bear down on those who had faith in Falun Dafa, including […]

Cindy Xu – My American Classmates Didn’t Understand

[3 min]

The persecution of Falun Dafa forced Cindy and her mother to move around to avoid arrest, causing Cindy to fall behind in school. When they eventually escaped China and moved to the U.S., Cindy started high school years behind. Her classmates didn’t understand why she was much older than them […]