Guoliang Zhang – Gathering Courage to Escape China
Zhang never imagined he would leave China. He had immense gratitude for his loved ones, appreciation for the culture, and loyalty to his hometown. But the Chinese regime betrayed that loyalty.
Zhang never imagined he would leave China. He had immense gratitude for his loved ones, appreciation for the culture, and loyalty to his hometown. But the Chinese regime betrayed that loyalty.
When the CCP began its persecution on Falun Gong, Mr. Weiyu Wang was a doctorate student at Tsinghua University. But after July 20, 1999, Wang suffered from nearly a decade of torture and was forced to suspend his schooling twice. His entire family was oppressed by authorities for 14 years. Even after his release, Wang was closely monitored by police and CCP agents. Now, he lives with his wife and son in Michigan. This is his story.
Victims of Communism Remembrance Month Proclamation Signing Ceremony, Governor’s Hearing Room, State Capitol, LincolnDate/Time: Thursday, June 24, 2021 – 10:30am Speech of Mr. Wang, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Governor and distinguished guests, Thank you for this opportunity to tell my family’s story. I was born and grew up in China. I […]
Bu Dongwei was serving a 30-month sentence in connection with his activities as a member of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China. Bu Dongwei believes international attention, including Amnesty International’s Global Write-a-thon campaign, protected him during his ordeal, and he thanked all Amnesty International activists who […]
In this video Han Yu recounts when her father died in police custody, the anguish of her family upon recovering her father’s body, and her suspicions that her father was the victim of forced organ harvesting.
Facing persecution by the Chinese communist regime for their faith, Eric and his mother manage to escape to Australia by joining a tour group to the country. However, Eric’s father is not so fortunate. He is locked up in China’s notorious prison system, where he is brutally tortured and abused in solitary confinement…
Memoir of a Communist Slave tells the harrowing and true story of David Huang—a man whose wife was murdered by the same oppressors that forced him into China’s notorious prison ‘gulag system’ in the early 2000’s. It was there he suffered and endured ‘re-education through labor’ for his faith.
Personal Account | Meet Angel. A Falun Gong practitioner and former prisoner of conscience. Today, she’s on a mission to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) bloody, behind-the-scenes persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Police illegally abducted Angel from her workplace in 2001…
A personal account by Chen Gang. A Falun Gong practitioner who was tortured in Beijing’s Tuanhe Labor Camp for 18 months.
Zhiwen Wang was illegally detained on July 20th 1999, because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. Practicing Falun Gong in China had literally become a crime overnight, and he was one of the thousands of practitioners throughout the country targeted for immediate arrest. In a show trial, he was sentenced to heavy term of 16 years.
When Han Yu was just a teenager and her younger brother was in elementary school, they were left to fend for themselves after their parents were arrested and imprisoned for their Falun Gong faith.
In an attempt to brainwash detainees into renouncing their spiritual faith and pledging allegiance to the Chinese communist party, officials resort to brutal torture methods in Chinese prisons. This is a personal account from a Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Chen Gang, who was tortured in a Beijing prison.
“Tommy drove to the Helsinki airport to pick me up. He planned on driving from north back to south so I could see all the scenery along the way. However, partway through the trip, my business partner gave me a call and told me that my mother had been arrested again. It was 2008. A lot of people were arrested at the time, including lawyers, human rights activists, and Falun Gong practitioners, one of whom was my mother.”
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