Kao Žung-žung – Tvář pronásledování

Paní Kao Žung-žung, 37-letá účetní na umělecké škole v čínském Šen-jangu mívala veselou povahu a zářivý úsměv. To vše se ale změnilo poté, co byla nezákonně zadržena a mučena v rámci celostátní kampaně na vyhlazení Fa-lun Kungu.

Událost, která navždy změnila Čínu

What seemed to be a spontaneous, peaceful protest by Falun Gong practitioners, was actually orchestrated by some CCP officials and then used to ignite a persecution campaign that would plunge the entire nation back into the dark days of the cultural revolution, and worse. What’s the real story of this fateful day?

Oslavujeme Světový den Falun Dafa

Falun Gong was first made public in China on May 13, 1992. Therefore, each year, May 13th is celebrated as World Falun Dafa Day, to commemorate this special day, the teachings of Falun Gong (Truthfulness, Compass, Forbearance), as well as the health and inner peace the practice has brought to the lives of its practitioners.